MY Design Process

This is design process which I generally follow if time permits me. I follow 5 stages of design process explained below. Under each stage, I apply various techniques or which fits best to slove problem.


Often called ‘STRATEGY’

Learn about stakeholders, discover goals & articulate the their vision.

  • What is PM/organisa7on is hoping to get out of project.
  • What will be success metrics?
  • Priority in grand scheme of things.
  • Findout whether already another solution present in market.
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Analytic Review
  • Stakeholder Interviews


In this phase, I grasp issues through systematic investigation. It is done to collect all available data in field and in house.

  • Contextual Enquiry
  • Surveys,
  • User interview
  • User Testing
  • Heuristic Review


It’s time to draw insights from the data collected. I try to find out how this data will help to find out solutions. It also helps to confirm the assumptions which were made earlier.

  • Card sorting
  • Persona
  • Affinity Diagramming
  • Use cases
  • Scenarios
  • Experience Map
  • Storyboards


In this phase, I define the problem statement and generate lot of ideas, produce something tangilble and identify challenges. Do user testing to find out did we build the right thing and in right way. Make wireframe or low fidelity prototypes.

  • Collaborative Design
  • Workflow diagram
  • Sitemap (complete list of all pages available on a website)
  • Paper Prototype
  • Mood board
  • A/B testing


Now, final product is created with the help of visual designer and developers. I sit with them to clearly communicate the vision. Then I validate the final output with the stakeholders and users before sending for ‘go live’.

  • High fidelity Design & digital assets
  • Usability testing
  • Unmoderated remote usability test
  • Beta launch
  • A/B testing here also